Study on the chemical properties of five pinus species for value added Thailand | 01/09/2024

Study on the chemical properties of five pinus species for value added

This research studiedoffivePinus species i.e.,Pinuskesiya, Pinusmerkusii, Pinusoocarpa, Pinuscaribaea and Pinustecunumanii to compared the oleoresin yield and determined propertiesin seasonal variation.Yield of oleoresin, the highest oleoresin yield was observed in rainy with P. oocarpa. The samples of oleoresin were produced through hydrodistillation,remaining distillation residue fraction containing turpentine and rosin were obtained. The turpentine yieldswere highest in summer with P. kesiya(21.67%) and rosins were the highest in rainy with P. merkusii (84.00%).In addition, ratio between the highest turpentine and rosin percentages showed yield for 2:5 and 1:6, respectively.As initial step to utilize gum oleoresin, rosin and turpentine, there need to determined chemical, physical propertiesand chemical compositions. The chemical properties analysis of rosinsamples is in the standard of TISI(480-2007). In another way, This may assume that products are suitable for industry use. The turpentine physical analysis, Itshowed that all turpentine samples have similar results. After that, the chemical compositions were analysis by Gas Chromatograph interface with Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The main turpentine components in P. kesiya,P. merkusii, P. oocarpa andP. caribaea showed as alpha-Pinene with61.11 – 99.50 percentages, while P.tecunumanii showed delta-3-Carenewith 67.29 – 69.27 percentages, respectively. The rosin components, there showed dehydroabietic acidand Longifoleneas main compound with 24.29-100 and 25.90 – 44.04 percentages.
The obtained results suggested thatoleoresin components and their properties were relative with season and species. To compared the yield and qualityof fivePinus,P. kesiyaoffer the best quality turpentine, while P. merkusiioffer the best quality rosin.

Keywords:Turpentine, Rosin, Pinuskesiya, Pinusmerkusii, Pinusoocarpa,Pinuscaribaea, Pinustecunumanii