Bamboo Marketing in Thailand Thailand | 27/07/2024

Bamboo Marketing in Thailand

The Royal Forest Department (RFD) of Thailand is implementing an International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) project on bamboo entitled "Promotion of the Utilization of Bamboo from Sustainable Sources in Thailand" The Forest Products Research Division of RFD is the implementing unit of the study. The Study engaged the services of a Consultant on Utilization and Marketing to: make a quick assessment of the demand for bamboo products; identify potential products for the project; identify machines and instruments for laboratory research work; and prepare
a technical report in English,

The engagement of the Consultant was from August 20 to September I, 2002. The Consultant conducted visits to bamboo processing firms in northern and central Thailand with the assistance of the Project Leader and project staff. Amon the t es of enter rises visited were furniture, house wares, decor, handicrafts (woven and wicker works), incense splints, and charcoal production A bamboo shoot plantation was also visited. Government sector was also visited to determine the assistance provided by government to processors and exporters and to obtain additional information of exports and demand for bamboo products. Likewise, a furniture-testing laboratory was visited.